Wilson Meadows

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Bishop Bullwinkle

Singer/comedian Bishop Bullwinkle (Bernard Thomas) is best known for his huge hit song "Hell Naw To The Naw Naw Naw", which became a You Tube sensation and brought the Bishop fame in the Southern Soul market the final years of his life. The only full length album released on Bullwinkle was oddly-named "The Da Vinci Code" by Music Access out of Dallas. Initial pressings did not even have "Hell Naw" on it!

Album Discography

"The Da Vinci Code" (Music Access 2019)

1 Mama
2 Do You Hear Me
3 Beast Of Burden
4 You Do Too
5 Pouring Water
6 No Woman, No Cry
7 Some Preachers
8 Is It Real
9 Hell Naw To The Naw Naw Naw **
10 Hell Naw To The Naw Naw Naw On The Bicycle **

** found on some pressings of the CD


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