Will Easley

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Will Easley will easley

Will Easley stepped into the spotlight at the age of 14 years old on a dare with his spellbinding tenor voice. The young man captured first place in the talent competition in Pensacola, Florida. His prize... he was opening act for Charlie Pride at the Municipal Auditorium. This was the beginning of the professional singing career of Will Easley.

Will served in the United States Armed Forces where his talents did not go unnoticed. He was assigned a Special Service where he traveled from post to post entertaining troops. His audience ultimately included foreign and domestic dignitaries including former President Gerald Ford.

His first LP "Will Power" (2001) spawned the popular single, "Don't Ya Like It", appearing on various international and US playlists. Within the first month of release the song garnered rave reviews from several major publications

It took another 8 years before Will returned with a re-issue of his first album. Signed to a 2 album with CDS Records the new incarnation of the album, now titled "Sweet Sexy Soul", featured three new tracks. The first single, "Loop The Loop", became a club favorite while the ballad, "If I Let You Go", garnered heavy airplay, reaching #1 on the American Blues Network. Another album, "Smokin", appeared in 2010.

Album Discography

"Will Power" (Nivel 2001)

re-issued as "Sweet Sexy Soul" with additional tracks

"Sweet Sexy Soul" (CDS 2008)

1. It's Going Down
2. Wantcha Back
3. Loop the Loop
4. Don't Ya Like
5. Your Love Amazes Me
6. Show and Tell
7. Hell on My Hands
8. If I Let You Go
9. Real Thing, The
10. I Love You and Always Will
11. Can't Stop the Feelin
12. Always a Friend

"Smokin'" (CDS 2010)

1. Wiggle When She Walk
2. Why You Wanna
3. Damn Fool
4. Work With It
5. Back in the Mood
6. Whatever
7. Big Girls Ain't Moody
8. I Got You
9. Mama, I Love You
10. Faith

"Greatest Hits" (CDS/Music Access 2015)

1. Don'tcha Like It
2. Wiggle When She Walk
3. If I Let You Go
4. Work With It
5. Loop The Loop
6. Your Love Amazes Me
7. I Love You And Always Will
8. Back In The Mood
9. Wantcha Back
10.Big Girls Ain't Moody
11.Damn Fool
12.Mama, I Love You
13.Don'tcha Like It (Mellow Mix)


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