Ms Jody
Ms. Jody was born to the late Reverend Joe and Vertie Sims
Pickens in Chicago, IL. She was raised in Bay Springs, Mississippi
where she presently lives.
In 2006, at the suggestion of her friends Leo Johnson and William
Day, Ms. Jody made a visit to Ecko Records in Memphis, TN where she
was introduced to the staff. Shortly thereafter she joined the Ecko
Records family and her first CD was released. The CD, entitled
"You're My Angel" has brought Ms. Jody immediate recognition from
the radio station programmers and their listeners. Songs like "Ms.
Jody", "Sugar Daddy", and "Get Drunk Party" received heavy
airplay and the label rushed out a second CD called "What You
Gonna Do When The Is Due? before the year was out.
Since then Ms. Jody has grown to one of the more successful female
singers in the genre.
"You're My Angel" (Ecko 2006)
1. Ms. Jody
2. You're My Angel
3. Sugar Daddy
4. Quiet Storm
5. Shake Your Booty
6. Get Drunk Party
7. I Never Take a Day Off
8. I Had a Good Time
9. Love Shop Mechanic
10. Ms. Jody - (Remix)
*** Look
out all you Divas there's a "new freak in town" and her name is Ms.
Jody. This she claims on the appropriately-titled "Ms. Jody" from
her Ecko debut "You're My Angel". After name checking Marvin
Sease ("Candy Licker" has forever impacted the Soul Blues world),
Jody raps about her sexual proclivities on the slight but cute track
(also appears as a remix). It must be said the sex-happy Blues woman
(or man) persona has worn thin over the years and like most LP's of
this kind it becomes a bit superfluous but that's what sells. Surely
it's not meant to be taken serious and catchy numbers like "Sugar
Daddy", the title song and the percolating dancer "Shake Your Booty"
deliver the goods. My personal favorite though is the hep "Love Shop
Mechanic" with it's jazzy piano and slippery vocal. Although
lyrically banal, the live instrumentation here offers a refreshing
break from the programming. Jody displays a strong voice ala Peggy
Scott-Adams and I'm looking forward to hearing more from her.
Production duties are evenly spread out between Eric Perkins,
Wardell Duykes and Morris J. Williams.
"What You Gonna Do When The
Rent Is Due?" (Ecko 2006)
1. Your Dog's About to Kill My Cat
2. Big Daddy Don't You Come
3. One Way Love
4. We've Got to Cheat on Schedule
5. You Got to Know How to Work It
6. Get Up and Move On
7. What You Donna Do When the Rent Is Due?
8. I'm in Love with a Younger Man
9. I'm Puttin' Love on the Shelf
10. I Don't Backtrack
11. We're Lovin' on Borrowed Time
Newcomer Ms.
Jody had a self-titled hit
("Ms. Jody") from her debut CD "You're My Angel" but overall
the disc was hit or miss. Some likable cuts in the Peggy Scott-Adams
vein but mostly throwaways. "What You Gonna Do When The Rent Is
on the other hand, is exactly the opposite- a high percentage of
keepers with the only misstep being the idiotic "Big Daddy Don't You
Onto the positive:
"Your Dog's About To Kill My Cat", a slowie with the usual double
entendres, was a cautious choice for a first single. It's slight on
melody; relying on cheeky lyrics to strike a chord and it'll
probably hit but Motown-inspired Pop/Soul like "Get Up And Move On"
and "I Don't Backtrack" are why I recommend this. See, after some
generic releases from the label the spring seems to back in the step
production-wise when it comes to bumpers like "I'm Puttin' Love On
The Shelf" and the title cut. Ms. Jody really has that Peggy Scott
thing going for her on "I'm In Love With A Younger Man". "Rent Is
Due" also boasts a strong Downhome Blues ("We've Got To Cheat On
Schedule") and a duet with O.B. Buchana ("One Way Love"). There's a
lot of sisters challenging the Queen out there but Ms. Jody remains
a top contender.
"I Never A Day Off" (Ecko 2008)
1. It's the Weekend
2. Energizer Bunny
3. I Never Take a Day Off
4. Lonely Housewife
5. Ms. Jody's Thing
6. Don't Be a Sore Loser
7. Two Strikes You're Out
8. I'm Evening Up the Score
9. I Might Be Your Part Time Lover But I Won't Be Your Full Time
10. Now That We're Free
11. I'm So Thankful
*** Ms.
"Jody" has struck gold with the Southern soul steadies. Her last
Ecko album has barely started to fade before we are treated to
another one and it's slightly better than it's predecessor. Yes the
sound is "boilerplate" (a favorite adjective of Living Blues when
it comes to Ecko) but full bodied (hey I used to be a wine critic).
The Chitlin' themes are all here. The clever "Energizer Bunny" is a
cousin to Shirley Brown's "I Got To Sleep With One Eye Open" in that
her man is a nympho. A simple Soul swayer with an especially solid
vocal from the female Jody. Her man just "goes on and on and on and
on." Can't imagine too many women complaining about that!
"Lonely Housewife" could fit
thematically on the soundtrack to the dreadful TV show "Desperate
Housewives". The best stab at Blues yet from our gal. Not everything
hits though. "Two Strikes You're Out" is lyrically tired and "I'm
Evening Up The Score" your typical
what's-good-for-the-goose-is-good-for-the-gander tale. "I Never
Take A Day Off" is a success nevertheless.
"It's A Ms Jody Thang" (Ecko 2009)
1. Cheatin' Comes with a Price
2. You've Got to Play with It Before You Lay with It
3. Ms. Jody's Thang - (Remix, remix)
4. You're a Good Man But a Lousy Lover
5. Better the Goods the Higher the Price, The
6. He Takes Me Around the World Without Leaving My Bedroom
7. He's Coming in the Backdoor
8. Loving You Is Like Doing Hard Time
9. Only a Fool Would Cheat on a Good Man Like You
10. I Please My Man
"Ms Jody's In The Streets Again" (Ecko 2010)
1. Ms Jody's In the Streets Again
2. Weekend Lovin'
3. I Won't Be Back
4. Bop, The
5. I Wanna Make Love To You Tonight
6. Tell Me When You Want It
7. Finders Keepers
8. I've Got the Strength To Walk Away
9. Deal With It
10. You Had It All
11. Lick If You Can't Stick
12. I Can't Feel You No More
13. You Meant It For My Bad But It Turned Out For My Good
"Ms. Jody's Keepin' It Real" (Ecko 2011)
1. Take Me
2. The Jody Juke
3. Move On
4. I've Got the Strength to Stay Gone
5. I'm Keepin' it Real
6. I Wanna Rock it In Your Rocking Chair
7. The First Time
8. The Spank
9. I Thank You for a Job Well Done
10. I'm Staying In With My Man Tonight
11. Midnight Lovers
12. I Needed That
"Ms. Jody's In The House" (Ecko 2011)
1. Ms. Jody's In The House
2. When Your Give A Damn Just Don't Give A Damn Anymore
3. Come A Little Closer
4. Let Me Be The Shoulder
5. Something I Want - (featuring David Brinston)
6. Southern Soul Dip
7. Just A Little Bit Won't Get It
8. I Never Knew Good Love Could Hurt So Bad
9. I Just Wanna Love You
10. Ms. Jody's Thang - Zydeco
11. You Lost A Fortune
12. When Your Give A Damn Just Don't Give A Damn Anymore [Radio
13. I Did It
"Still Strokin'" (Ecko 2013)
It's A Reunion
Still Strokin'
Good Love
Just Let Me Ride
Dance Party
Ms. Jody Don't Mind Breakin' Up Somebody's Home
Another Get Drunk Party
Where Can I Find A Good Man
You Didn't Appreciate What You Had When You Had It
Your Man Was Looking For That Good Thang
Shake Yo Booty (remix)
"It's All About Me (Deluxe Edition)" (Ecko
He's My Candy Man (4:30)
2 The Rock (5:35)
3 I'm Not a Cougar (4:37)
4 It's All About Me (4:46)
5 I'm Gonna Keep My Love At Home (4:42)
6 Ms. Jody's Boogie Slide (4:40)
7 Every Woman For Herself (4:23)
8 I'm Gonna Stand By You (4:23)
9 My Cat Smells a Rat (5:14)
10 Another Bad Habit (4:43)
11 One Hour Baby (4:58)
12 You're the Best No-Good Man I Ever Had (4:35)
13 Let Me Ride (4:39)
14 I Apologize (5:31)
"Talkin' About My Good Thang" (Ecko 2015)
1. I Ain't Gonna Lie This Time
2. Just Let Me Ride Again
3. You Got Your Hooks in Me
4. I'm Gonna Take It Laying Down
5. A Piece on the Side
6. Talkin' Bout My Good Thang
7. Doubler Dealer
8. If He Knew What I Was Thinking
9. Shake a Tail Feather
10. Don't Say I Love You
11. I'm Gathering up the Trash
12. When the Show Is All Over
"The Best Of" (Ecko 2015)
1 Ms. Jody's Thang (Remix)
2 The Bop
3 Still Strokin'
4 Your Dog's About to Kill My Cat
5 It's the Weekend
6 Energizer Bunny
7 Sugar Daddy
8 The Rock
9 Just Let Me Ride
10 When Your Give a Damn Just Don't Give a Damn Anymore
11 Big Daddy Don't You Come
12 The First Time
13 I Did It
14 Shake Your Booty
15 Weekend Lovin'
"I Got The Feeling" (Ecko 2016)
1 There's a Party
Goin' On
2 Come On
3 Zydeco Rodeo
4 Dogettes
5 Don't Back up off It
6 It's Too Late to Do Right Now
7 This Place Is Hot
8 All True Man
9 I Got the Feeling
10 I'm Tired of Being a Secret
11 Makin' Love Is Always Better When the Bills Are Paid
12 You Got to Leave Me Baby
At this point in time it's
safe to say Ms. Jody is the "Queen Of Southern Soul Blues". She hasn't
reinvented the wheel but she has borrowed from her predecessors in
style and image and has risen to become the top female artist in the genre.
The formula is familiar- a tough talkin', risque', sassy, in your
face, take-no-mess women. Going back in recent time you have Denise
LaSalle, Barbara Carr, Sheba Potts-Wright, Lynn White, Trudy Lynn,
Koko Taylor and countless others who used this formula/persona. But
the stereotype dates all the way back to the Ma Rainey and Bessie
Smith days (1920s). Ms.
Jody has her very similar peers in Nellie Tiger Travis, Lacee',
Karen Wolfe, Big Cynthia, Sweet Angel, Val McKnight, Stephanie Pickett, Stephanie McDee- just about every single female Soul Blues artist working
today. In a sense it's the role the business has demanded of a
female Soul Blues singer. At least a black female. On one hand one
could give mad props for the female empowerment but on the other
hand one could reasonably worry about the stereotypes placed on
black women in the Blues. Do they all have to be sex-crazed,
materialistic, baby mamas with attitude? No. Sure, there's a lot of
that. Thankfully that's not always the case. Even if it starts to
feel that way. Besides they say "If a man does it he is a stud
but if a women does she's a whore". Nonsense. Perhaps it's just a
natural push back to macho posturing of male Blues singers. Of
course the subject matter of modern day Soul Blues is one of
repetition and cliche' anyway. Cheating, partying, dancing,
cheating, sexing, celebrating, lost love, searching for a love,
cheating. It's part and parcel and what's good for the goose is good
for the gander. Time and time again women have had to "man up" (yes,
irony intended) and compete in a male-dominated fields. It's a bit
like what President Obama said of Hillary Clinton: "(Like Ginger
Rogers) She's had to do everything I do but backwards and in high
heels". That's about women in general regardless of color. Modern
Soul Blues is what it is and women can dish it out just as well as
they take it. And boy are women good at it! More than ever women are
a vital part of the Southern Soul Blues scene.
Ms. Jody currently
plays the role better than everyone else. And she transcends the
stereotypes with a healthy dose of savvy observation. It's that
whiff of maturity that connects with a larger audience I believe.
Now a distinguished veteran, "I Got The Feeling" is her 11th
all new studio album in just over a decade. That fact alone makes it
remarkable that the quality of her albums still hold up. Naturally,
much credit must be given to the seemingly endless well of musical
ideas bubbling up at Ecko Records, which as been the dominate
Southern Soul Blues label for over two decades now (Malaco/Waldoxy
is/are the king of the 70s/80s/early 90s).
The formula still
delivers. Sexy songs? You have your "Don't Back Up Off It". Jukin'?
I present you with "This Place Is Hot" and "There's A Party Goin'
On"? Cheating? "I'm Tired Of Being A Secret", "It's Too Late To Do
Right Now". Relationship wisdom? "Making Love is Always Better When
The Bills Are Paid". Dance? "Zydeco Rodeo". Cat and dog metaphors? "Dogettes".
As usual the Ecko
production excels at shuffle bumps and ballads with Deep Soul
arrangements. Plenty of bells and whistles (no, not literally) that
fill out each track. Mini-hooks between the large ones. It's an Ecko
trait to add plenty of keyboard, percolating synth and horn fills
throughout the track. And of course Ms. Jody sings with her usual
earthy charm. It's the quality and standard you've come to expect.
The hits just keep on coming over at Ecko Records. If you enjoyed
Ms. Jody's other 10(!) albums this one is a sure thing.
"Thunder Under Yonder" (Ecko 2017)
I'm So Confused (4:49)
2. Power Stroke (4:52)
3. Ms. Jody's Energizer Slide (5:21)
4. Another Other Woman (5:20)
5. Stir It Up (4:46)
6. Booty Strut (6:07)
7. Let It Flow (4:27)
8. Party (4:37)
9. I Got That Thunder Under Yonder (5:02)
10. Where I Come From (5:22)
11. I Had To Lie (4:46)
12. You're Letting A Good Man's Lovin' Go To Waste (4:56)
"I'm Doin' My Thang" (Ecko 2018)
1.I'm Ms. Jody (I'm Doin' My Thang)
2.Curiosity Ain't Gonna Kill This Cat
3.Let's Play Hide and Seek
4.I'm a Cowgirl in the Bedroom
5.Southern Soul Bounce
6.A Kitty Ain't No Match for a Full Grown ...
7.Ms. Jody's Got a Man
8.We Got the Real Thing
9.That's Where the Party's At
10.We've Got to Cheat on Schedule
11.Never Goin' Back
"Get It Get It" (Ecko 2019)
1 You Can Ride
2 Get It Get It
3 It Feels So Good To Me
4 Turn It On
5 Got To Make A Change
6 Doin The Electric Slide (remix)
7 Bedroom Fun
8 I Done Found MY Good Thing Too
9 A Man Like That
10 Haters Gonna Be Hatin
"Cowboy Style" (Ecko 2021)
"A Night To Remember" (Ecko 2023
On The Prowl" (Ecko 2025)
1. Cougar On The Prowl
2. I'll Be Your Lollipop
3. I'm In That Mood Again
4. Our Love Ain't Going Nowhere (feat. Mr. Willy)
5. Dance Dance Dance
6. Bitch You Better Not Have
7. You Done Messed Up
8. I'm Ready For Whatever
9. Strokin' Kind
10. It's Still Yours
11. I Need A Car Drivin' Man