Mel Waiters

Southern Soul star Mel Waiters was born and raised in San Antonio, TX, where in 1974 he began his performing career at local teen clubs; after a stint as a radio DJ, he was awarded a government contract to entertain at military bases across the Southwest.
With the exception of sax Waiters produced, played and wrote all the material
for his first CD release in 1996. The slick "Hit It & Quit It" and "Whatever It
Took" gave me his first Southern hits. He followed this up with his second for
the Serious Sounds with "Suki Suki Man" that got his biggest song to date with
the title track. Waiters was next snatched up by Malaco Records's Waldoxy
imprint in 1997 and an even bigger hit was produced by the single "Got My
Whiskey" featuring a very polished dance sound he would continue with. Despite
increasing popularity up to this point in 1999 he jumped to the top of the
Soul/Blues heap with the smash "Hole In The Wall", one of those undeniable hits
that guarantee you'll work in the Chitlin Circuit for years to come. The single,
which also featured a remix by Bigg Robb, managed to hit Billboard's Hot Dance
Music/Maxi-Singles Sales chart at #24 and also gave Mel his first placing on
Billboard's Top Blues Albums chart (#5) and the Top R & B/Hip Hop Albums chart
at #83. Since that time waiters has scored with a string of similar sounding
dance songs about drinking whiskey and partying at the "hole in the wall". His
most recent disc, "Throwback Days", dented Billboard Top 100 R & B/Hip Hop
Albums chart at #93 proving longevity for the artist. Waiters also ran his own
label, Britney Records, for a time which roster included legend Latimore. Mel
passed away May 28th 2015 after a long battle with cancer...
Album Discography
"I'm Serious" (Serious Sounds 1995)
1. Whatever It Took
2. Something in Common
3. Hit It and Quit It
4. I'm Serious
5. Caught My Eye
6. What the Rain Does to Me (Interlude)
7. Make'm Like You
8. Pressure
9. Spend More Time
10. Are You into Me
11. Let's Do Each Other
12. What the Rain Does to Me
13. Hit It and Quit It - (live)
14. I'm Serious - (live)
*** A Star is born. Mel proves himself
to be a triple threat first time out- as a producer, singer and
songwriter. Twelve originals by Waiters like the hit "Hit It And
Quit It". Mel's sound is slick R & B pop with a touch of blues.
Although he mines the same audience as a Marvin Sease, Mel is more
romantic and lays off the raunch. "Let's Do Each Other Tonight" is
the closest he comes. Instead he is more at home with a song like
"Whatever It Took" contains the now classic sentiment: 'Whatever it
took to get your woman/Do the same thing to keep her". On the slowie
"I'm Serious" he pleads like he was Teddy Pendergrass. A strong
debut of juke joint dance music and Tyrone Davis-style balladry.
"Suki-Suki Man" (Serious Sounds 1997)
1. Money Where (Your Mouth)
2. Suki-Suki Man
3. Time at Home
4. Man Shoes
5. Only Time He Comes Around
6. Is It True
7. Teddy Bear
8. Mind on Me
9. Bring Some (To Get Some)
10. Wrong House
11. Suki-Suki Man - (Remix)
12. I Never Thought
*** Mel's got a way with the ladies.
While Marvin Sease says he'll be their "candy licker", Mr Waiters
trumps that with the smash title cut. Mel pampers his woman. He
defines a "Suki-Suki Man" as "when a man takes his time and does all
the things a woman ever dreamed a man doing to her". That goes from
pampering to giving her money! Other danceable southern soul pop
gems are "Man Shoes" where a woman tells him he's gotta have "man
shoes in a woman's bedroom" and the funky "Money (Where Your Mouth
"Woman In Need" (Waldoxy 1997)
1. Got My Whiskey
2. Woman in Need
3. Pop It Baby
4. (Sex) Or Make Love
5. Slip Away
6. Second Class
7. Treat Ah Dog
8. Something in Common - (live)
9. Who's Gonna Win
*** Mel signs
with Malaco-distributed Waldoxy Records for this higher profile
effort. The hit "Got My Whiskey" is the first of his now formulaic
upbeat party dancers- goodtime music. "I got my money/I got my
whiskey/Tonight I'm going out and get real tipsy". The catchy "Pop
It Baby" is the flipside for the ladies. He continues his
sympathetic, sensitive man shtick with "Sex Or Make Love" asking a
woman which her man does to her. This time out Mel also covers a
couple soul classics by Clarence Carter and Bobby "Blue" Bland.
Although his "Slip Away" and "Treat Ah Dog" (as in "I Wouldn't Treat
A Dog The Way You Treat Me") don't really benefit from the modern
production flourishes. They're noble efforts but it's hard to remove
the originals from your heart.
"Material Things" (Waldoxy 1999)
1. Swing Out
2. If She Lets You Get It
3. Hole in the Wall
4. Material Things
5. Running Stop Lights
6. She Ain't Drunk
7. Compromise
8. I'm So Glad
9. Trying to Walk Away
*** Mel takes it up a notch with this
Billboard-charting album (#83 R & B charts). The infectious "Hole In
The Wall" was a runaway smash on the "chitlin circuit"- one that has
spawned countless sequels and/or copycats. The song even reached #24
on the R & B singles sales charts- a rare feat for a "blues" singer
these days. The similar "Swing Out" and poppin' "She Ain't Drunk"
also got some airplay. The album suffers just a tad due to the
homogeneous production and sameness of the melodies but it's an
essential southern soul disc.
"I Want The Best" (Susie Q 2000)
1. Whatever It Took
2. Is It True
3. I'm Serious
4. Asking Too Much
5. Suki-Suki Man - (remix)
6. Hit It & Quit It
7. Only Time He Comes Around, The
8. I Want the Best
9. What the Rain Does
10. Man Shoes
11. Teddy Bear
12. Mind on Me
13. Something in Common
14. I Can Only See You
15. Bring Some to Get Some
16. I Want the Best - (Radio mix)
17. Asking Too Much - (Radio mix)
18. I Can Only See You - (Radio mix)
***1/2 This
is actually th
e choicest cuts from Mel's first two
independently-released discs plus three new cuts and remixes. Being
that it only has cuts from "I'm Serious" and"Suki-Suki
Man" and
nothing from his latest two albums on Waldoxy (especially his
biggest hit "Hole In The Wall") it's really not a proper "best of".
Along with "Suki-Suki Man", "I'm Serious", "Hit It And Quit" It",
"Man Shoes" it also has the new "I Want The Best", "Asking Too Much"
& 'I Can Only See You"
"Let Me Show You How To Love" (Waldoxy 2001)
1. Ice Chest
2. I Can Light Candles
3. Real Mother for Ya, A
4. What I Had in You
5. Show You How to Love Again
6. Big Mama
7. How Can I Get Next to You
8. He Didn't Take Your Woman
9. Brand New Bed
***1/2 Another
consistent set of juke joint R & B, slick funk and romantic slowies.
"Ice Chest" continues the streak of goodtime radio singles. "I got
my ice chest and my lawn chair/we've been jukin' up in here". Bigg
Robb adds some Zapp & Roger-funk to Johnny "Guitar" Watson's classic
"Real Mother For Ya". "Brand New Bed" and "I Can Light Candles" are
slower Tyrone Davis bedroom soundtracks. "Big Mama" is a lovely ode
to grandma. A shout out for everyone to thank the Lord for their
"big mama" or "ma dear". Grandma "she don't/She don't drink/She
loves Jesus and everyone she meets". "How Can I Get Next To You" is
a clever song that weaves the hooks from several great soul classics
into the story line (from Bobby Womack's "That's The Way I Feel
About Cha" to Johnnie Taylor's "I Believe In You" to Al Green's
"Let's Stay Together"). The Rich Cason penned "What I Had In You" is
a gorgeous love song about realizing what you had when it was gone.
"A Nite Out" (Waldoxy 2003)
1. Girls Nite Out
2. Whiskey and Blues
3. Two Step
4. Satisfy You (Before I Satisfy Me)
5. Smaller the Club
6. She's Got Me Workin
7. Let's Dance
8. Your Kitchen Was Closed
9. Jealous Kinda Fella
10. No Ring
**** Third
for Waldoxy is his strongest yet. Although the "girls night out"
concept has been done to death, Mel charms on the infectious "Girls
Nite Out". In it he comes home to find his woman getting all dressed
up for a night with the girls. Mel, the man who wrote "Got My
Whiskey" & "Pop It Baby", shows he's no hypocrite and accepts the
fact. Track 2 is "Whiskey & Blues" which has Mel reclining in a juke
joint; drink in hand. He tells the DJ to play some Bobby Bland, Z.Z.
Hill & Johnnie Taylor and the bartender to keep his whiskey glass
filled. Why? "I Got this great big old heartache and it just won't
quit". Great imagery- truly captures the mood. Both Johnnie Taylor
and Bobby Bland get name checked again on the funked-up smash
"Smaller The Club" (as in "smaller the club-bigger the
party-something about those rooms"). This is a proper sequel to
"Hole In The Wall". Other highlights in an album full of them is the
bouncy, southern soul "Your Kitchen Was Closed", stepper "Two Step"
and the sensual "Satisfy You (Before You Satisfy Me)".
"Got My Whiskey" (601 Music 2005)
1. Got My Whiskey
2. She Ain't Drunk
3. Big Mama
4. Running Stop Lights
5. I Can Light Candles
6. Pop It Baby
7. Swing Out Song
8. If She Lets You Get It
9. He Didn't Take Your Woman
10. Brand New Bed
1/2 Unfortunately
this is not the new Mel Waiters disc we're all anxiously awaiting.
This is a budget line compilation of 2 hits and 8 album tracks that
is designed to draw in the curious- those who have yet to own a
Waiters disc. The material is decent enough but a proper "best of"
would have been a better offering. It does have "Pop It Baby" and
the title cut, which were both hits. There's also some catchy
pop/soul like "Swing Out Song" & "Big Mama". I give Waldoxy credit
for not throwing one rare track on here to bait the diehards. If
you're on a budget and you want to try some Mel this will get you on
the hook. You're just going to want more so your money would be
better spent on the full cds "A Nite Out" & "Material
Things", however.
"Throw Back Days" (Waldoxy 2006)
1. Throw Back Days
2. Get It on Song
3. Friday Night Fish Fry
4. I Like Your Sister
5. Half Pint
6. Blues Radio
7. Ladies Party Night
8. If He Don't Care
9. Bump and Grind
10. How Do You Do It
*** One
of the most anticipated releases in the Soul Blues/Southern Soul
world is finally here from the man who forever changed the genre
with "Hole In The Wall". Was it worth the wait? Well, Mel's got a
formula. His music is about unwinding with a glass of whiskey or
dancing to old school Soul & Blues. Who couldn't relate to that?
That nostalgic, carefree vibe exudes from the smash title track,
which "throws back" to the 80s on a steppin' groove. Mel wants to
"take you back" and "party like we used to do". Those same escapist
invitations crop up again on the slick midtempo head bobbers "Friday
Night Fish Fry" and "Half Pint". The latter being the newest child
in an ancestry that includes "Ice Chest", & "Got My Whiskey". The
reminiscing "Blues Radio" is a throw back to "Whiskey & Blues" (from
"Nite Out"). The pumpin' "Ladies Party Night" is a cousin to
"Girls Nite Out" and "How Do You Do It" has Mel watching in
admiration as she "drops it like it's hot", but he may as well be
singing "Pop It Baby". Yes, a formula and if it ain't broke...So
although "Throw Back Days" occasionally veers close to
self-parody, you'll be enjoying this perfectly-produced (Bruce
Billups, Vick Allen, Mel Waiters) music too much to notice or care
what some critic thinks (by the way this critic recommends it).
Nobody does it like Mel Waiters. Plus there's a Mel-icized version
of Lenny Williams' "I Like Your Sister" and a faithful take on the
Z.Z. Hill classic
"I Ain't Gone Do It" (Waldoxy 2010)
1. Bar-B-Que
2. Down Home People
3. Make You (Fall In Love)
4. Meet Me Tonight
5. They Come Back
6. Love Trap
7. I Ain't Gone Do It
8. Rather Hurt Myself
9. Miss Someone
10. Hold That Thought
11. Everything's Going Up
12. I Watch That Girl
"Christmas At The Hole In The Wall" (Brittney 2010)
1. Hole In the Wall
2. Some Bodys Missing
3. Bye Myself
4. What You Gave Me Last Year
5. Christmas Party At Grandma's House
6. Jesus Is the Reason
7. Christmas and New Years
8. Bye Myself -instrumental
"Say What's On Your Mind" (Brittney 2011)
1 When You Get Drunk
2 Whiskey And Pain Don’t Mix
3 Little Girls Can’t Do What Big Girls Do
4 Friends
5 Let Me See You Twist
6 If I Didn’t Love You
7 If I Fall In Love
8 Good Women
9 All I Want Is A Beat
"Got No Curfew" (Brittney 2012)
1. Got No
2. Your Use To Be
3. My Check is Spent
4. I Got It Bad
5. It's Not Yours
6. Being a Fool For You
7. Bag of Ice
8. Match Your Shoes
9. Baby Your Attitude
10. Thanks To My Fans
"Poor Side Of Town" (Brittney 2013)
1. Pouring Salt
2. Poor Side of Town
3. Find a Man to Dance
4. Don't Get Your Bread
5. Who Got the Whiskey
6. Hottest Thing
7. Real Simple
8. If It Ain't Broke
9. Best Love Making
10.Get Some Jesus
"True Love" (Brittney/Music Access 2015)
2 True Love
3 Stick to Your Drink
4 Southern Soul Love
5 Not Suppose to Love You
6 Shake a Plenty
7 Chapter
8 Contact
9 Going out Tonight
10 Love to See You Cha Cha Cha
11 Stick to Your Drink (Mel's Mix)