Maurice Davis

Michigan-based Soul Blues artist and
radio disc jockey.
Dubbed the "King Of Party Blues".
Album Discography
"I Want Some Brown Sugar" (Serious Sounds)
1.I Ain't Never
Been No Fool
2.Let's Do "69"
3.Love Freak
4.Little Blue Bird
5.Blues Get Funky Too
6.Brown Sugar
7.Let Me Hold You
8.I'm Crazy
** Yes,
what a difference a production budget makes. Recently I reviewed
Davis' "The Right Way" for Sims Records. It's excellent and enjoys
the benefit of live musicians, great tunes and a soulful performance
from Davis. Interestingly, the disc opens with a blues cut that
appeared on "The Right Way" but that ticking drum machine ruins it
for me. Same problem with "Let's Do 69", and those pea-brained
lyrics don't help either. There's good drum programming and there's
"rinky-dink". These have the latter. Then, suddenly, live drums
appear on the rolling blues "Love Freak" and the grinding slow blues
"Brown Sugar", which appears to be a live recording. (The applause
sounds more like sizzling bacon than hands clapping though!). It
makes me long for a full fledged live record but it's too little too
late. There ain't enough "Brown Sugar" to flavor this bland outing.
"I'm In The Mood For Love" (Touring 1998)
1.Love Freak
2.Little Blue Bird
3.In the Mood for Love
4.Huggin and Kissin
6.House Party
7.Blues Get Funky Too
8.Intro [Live at Misty Fifty's]
9.Good Time Roll
10.Brown Sugar (Live)
"Fool For You" (Mardi Gras 2001)
1. If Draws Could Talk
2. Bodily Harm
3. Something About You
4. Angel of Mercy
5. If I Had a Chance
6. Fool for You
7. If Loving You Is Wrong
8. Juke Joint
9. I'll Do Anything for You
10. Your Turn to Cry
"I've Got To Move On" (Wilson 2002)
1. I've Got To Move
2. I'm Ready, Willing & Able
3. Reap What You Sow
4. Let's Do 69
5. I'm Having A Hard Time
6. There It Is
7. Kiss You From Head To Toe
8. In The Mood
9. Huggin And Kissin
10. House Party
11. Kiss You (Remix)
"Into Something" (Wilson 2003)
1. Everybody On The
Dance Floor
2. Wanna Get My Groove On
3. Black Cat
4. Get It On Tonight
5. Cold Piece
6. Who Is It
7. Into Something
8. Crazy For Your Love
9. I'll never Lead You On
10. Hold On To What You Got
11. Bit Off More Than I Can Chew
12. I Can't Stop
"The Right Way" (Sims 2005)
1. I Woke Up
2. Her Memory Keeps Knocking
3. Letting Go
4. I've Been Had
5. I've Got Memories
6. Trouble
7. I'm A Blues Man
8. If I Had A Chance To Love You
9. I'm No Fool
10. Leave Me Alone
****1/2 Okay
there's two cats out there recording under the name "Maurice Davis".
One sings standards spanning the styles of Jazzy Blues and Gospel.
While the Maurice of this fabulous new release, "The Right Way", is
a soul/blues/R & B singer/guitarist. Will the real Maurice Davis
please stand up? Nothing against jazzy Maurice, but this Maurice
gets my vote after this album. Right from the gorgeous country soul
opener "I Woke Up" you feel the authenticity. A genuine organ,
guitar, bass, drums band with luscious horns this cut sets the tone
for on soulful experience. This is a perfect soul song- one of the
best of the decade. This mood continues over the next cuts, "Her
Memory Keeps Knocking" and "Letting Go", on the parallel roads that
Southern Soul and country music travel. Davis already has some 4
records under his belt (his most recent being "A Fool For You" on
Mardi Gras) but this one easily surpasses them all. While the first
half consists of stately soul heaven (songs written by Tim Davis,
Ricky Ryan, EW James & Billy Lawson), Maurice and band kick off
their shoes for some sturdy blues shuffles (written mostly by
Maurice) on the second half. "I've Been Had", "Trouble", I'm No
Fool" all give Maurice a chance to do some cutting with his axe.
There's even a darn good cover of the ubiquitous "I'm A Blues Man".
I let out a sigh when I saw it listed...until I heard it and gladly
make room for this version. The set then closes with two Davis
originals- most notably the gritty slow blues "If I Had A Chance To
Love You". Producer and label owner Russel Sims has a good thing
going with Sims Records out of Franklin, TN. A few years back
critics went wild over Earnest Davis' "Real Soul" disc. This one's
just as good if not better.
"Backstabbers" (Touring 2006)
1.It Ain't My Hat,
It Ain't My Shoes
2.I'm a Real Man
3.Dance a Hole in the Floor
4.Never Say What You Won't Do
6.When We Slow Jam
7.Twirk It
8.Lay Down on It
9.I'll Follow That Thang
10.Black Cat
***1/2 "I'm
the king of party blues" sings Maurice on the slick "It Ain't My
Hat, It Ain't My Shoes" that kicks off "Backstabbers". Sure, it's
good natured boasting but the way he squeezes out those Albert King-esque
tones you may just take him serious. I mean would you respect him as
much if he sang "I'm the bus boy of party blues"? I venture not.
It's like rocker Elvis Costello said: "If you tell people you're a
genius long enough they'll start believing you!". Anyway, Davis
serves up strong electric Blues here mixed with just the right
amount of "Southern Soul", which is also often called "party blues".
He continues on "It Ain't My Hat" singing: "I was raised up on Z.Z.
Hill/B.B. King, I liked the way he played Lucille/You know what this
big legged woman said?/'I'll rock you baby 'til you're back ain't
got no bone/I'll be your sweet little angel/Maurice, the thrill sure
ain't gone', she said/It ain't your hat, it ain't your shoes. It's
the way you you play the blues". Maurice sho 'nuff can play the
Blues. And, yes, the party kind too. "Black Cat" is a standout aided
by a funky Zapp & Roger synth fill. Kudos to the title cut. (By the
way fellow Blues & Soul nerds like myself may also notice
"Backstabbers" is loosely built off Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It
On"). But what's interesting as I've followed Davis' career is his
records are not all the same. Last year I positively flipped over
his sterling disc "The Right Way" on Sims Records. That outing was
half gorgeous Country Soul and half downhome blues. In a somewhat
similar balance here, six of the cuts on "Backstabbers" are Davis
self-produced Blues originals while four were produced by Cameo's
Simeo Overall (Al Lindsey, Bill Coday). Overall wrote four songs (2
with Davis). The best of the bunch being the first single, "I'll
Follow That Thang", a smooth R & B slowie with Overall's sweet
backing vocals and "Lay Down On It" , an irresistible dancer with
jangling guitar, bass and tasty synth horns. Hitsville for sure.
Davis has a cult following that's enabled him to release a half
dozen records thus far but "backstabbers" may be the one that takes
him to the next level.
"Rhythm & Blues" (Touring 2007)
2.Sho Wasn't Me
3.That's Where It's At
4.I'll Be Doggone
5.Running out of Lies
6.Turn Back the Hands of Time
7.That's the Way I Feel About Cha
8.I'll Play the Blues for You
9.I Pay the Cost to Be the Boss
10.Someone Else Is Steppin In
11.Black Cat
*** I have a
feeling that had Davis NOT been such a good musician but rather had
been your usual machine-backed, sexy-voiced, dance-themed singer
he'd be more well known than he is. Instead, Davis plays some Albert
King-like guitar and employs a larger percentage of "live" players
and real Blues on his records. His obscure disc for Sims Records
("The Right Way") is a lost gem and his last outing, "Backstabbers",
had all the elements for Southern Soul radio but didn't garner that
elusive hit. That disc was split between Downhome Blues and
programmed Southern Soul while this new one, as the title suggests,
is mostly rhythmic Blues with a lil' Southern Soul sprinkled about
("Sho' Wasn't Me" for example). But first he opens with a supercool
cover of James Brown's "Nature" with some nasty chicken scratch
guitar and churning bass. This deserves maximum airplay!
Davis is also underrated as a singer. He may not do justice to
Johnnie Taylor's "Running Out Of Lies" but his earnest tone works
quite fine on "That's Where It's At" and "That's The Way I Feel
About 'Cha". Mostly, "Rhythm & Blues" delivers sturdy Soul/Blues
like Albert's "I'll Play The Blues For You", ZZ Hill's "Someone Else
is Slippin' In" and BB's "I Pay The Cost To Be The Boss". But don't
worry, this is Urban Blues not your grandpappy's crusty versions.
For good measure his great "Black Cat" and Marvin Gaye's "I'll Be
Doggone" are also included. (For fellow music nerds: "Doggone" is
interpreted just like Albert King did on his 1972 LP "I'll Play The
Blues For You").
"Soulful" (Touring 2010)
1. After the Party
2. Cold Women
3. Ain't Got No Money
4. Leaving Me
5. Just Be Thankful
6. Dedicated To the One I Love
7. I'll Follow That Thang
8. Maurice Hustle
9. When We Slow Jam
10. Yes We Can
""Play" Boy" (Touring 2011)
1. Black Cat
2. Breaking Up Somebody's Home
3. You Gonna Need Me
4. Cold Women With Warm Hearts
5. License To Steal
6. Turning Point
7. Gone Girl
8. Got To Give It Up
9. I Destroyed Your Love
10. I Could Have Saved Our Love
11. Members Only
"Whipped & Pecked" (Touring 2012)
1. Whipped & Pecked
2. Pack Your Bags
3. I Got to Move On
4. Bodily Harm
5. Hold On to What You Got
6. Never Say What You Won't Do
7. Careless Love Affair
8. Ain't Got No Money
"Real Love" (Touring 2013)
1 Real Love
2 Here Kitty Kitty
3 Damn Fool
4 After the Party
5 Rock Me Baby
6 Nature
7 The World Got the Blues
8 Good Love
9 I Come to Have Fun
"I Have The Blues" (Touring 2016)
1 Every Day I Have the Blues
2 Farther on Down the Road
3 Just One Moment
4 Your Love Is All I Need
5 Get Up, Get Down, Get Loose
6 I Stand Accused
7 I Got Some Outside Help
8 Thrill Is Gone
9 World Got the Blues
10 King of Party Blues